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Further down, we have showcased a curated selection from our backlist titles. To delve deeper into any particular book, simply click on the cover image to access its Detailed Information Sheet.

Mostro di Firenze libro

Title: Mostro di Firenze
(Monster of Florence)

Subtitle: Al di là di ogni ragionevole dubbio
(Beyond any reasonable doubt)

Author: Paolo Cochi
Preface: Roberta Bruzzone
Publisher: Runa Editrice
ISBN: 9788897674771
Year: 2020
Genre: essay
Book series: True Crime
Language: Italian
Dimensions: cm. 17×24
Pages: aprox. 538
Illustrations: photos, judicial records and
reports, official documents
Binding: Paperback
Price: € 19.00

Mostro di Firenze in the shop

Information sheet

Harry Potter a test

Title: Harry Potter a test
Author: Marina Lenti
Publisher: Runa Editrice
ISBN: 9788897674764
Year: 2019
Genre: essay
Language: italian
Dimensions: cm. 14×21
Pages.: 220
Binding: paperback
Price: € 14.00

Harry Potter a test in the shop

Information sheet

Harry Potter il cibo come strumento letterario

Title: Harry Potter: il cibo come strumento letterario
(Harry Potter: the food as a literary tool)

Author: Marina Lenti
Publisher: Runa Editrice
ISBN: 9788897674467
Year: 2015
Genre: essay
Language: italian
Dimensions: cm. 14×21
Pages.: 186
Price: € 12.00

Harry Potter: il cibo come strumento letterario in the shop

Information sheet

Tutte le guerre stellari libro

Title: Tutte le Guerre Stellari
(All the Star Wars)
Subtitle: La metafisica della Forza nella
saga di Star Wars
(Metaphysics of the force in the
Star Wars saga)

Author: Filippo Rossi
Preface: Paolo Gulisano
Afterword: Davide Canavero
Illustrations: Filippo Rossi
Publisher: Runa Editrice
ISBN: 9788897674788
Year: 2020
Genre: essay – film criticism
Language: Italian
Dimenions: 15×21
Pages: 426
Binding: Paperback
Cover price: € 20.00

Tutte le Guerre Stellari in the shop

Information sheet

SUPERman libro

Title: SUPER
Subtitle: Ottant’anni del primo supereroe:
da Nembo Kid a Superman
(Eighty years of the fi rst superhero:
from Krypton to Superman)

Author: Filippo Rossi
Preface: Paolo Gulisano
Illustrations: Filippo Rossi
Publisher: Runa Editrice
ISBN: 9788897674733
Year: 2018
Genre: essay
Language: Italian
Dimenions: 14×21
Pages: 350
Binding: Paperback
Cover price: € 16.00

SUPER in the shop

Information sheet

Cacciatori di fantasmi libro

Title: Cacciatori di fantasmi
(Accross the darkness)

Author: Fabio Monteduro
Publisher: Runa Editrice
ISBN: 9788897674337
Year: 2014
Genre: Thriller/ psychological horror
Language: italian
Dimensions: cm. 14×21
Pages: 430
Binding: paperback
Preice: € 17.00

Cacciatori di fantasmi in the shop

Information sheet

Antarctica libro

Title: Antarctica
Subtitle: Il mistero del lago Vostok
(The mystery of the Vostok lake)

Author: Antonio Pra
ISBN: 9788897674832
Yaear: 2023
Genre: thriller
Language: Italian
Dimensions: cm. 14×21
Pages: 594
Binding: Paperback
Cover price: € 19.00

Antarctica in the shop

Information sheet

Olgius libro

Title: Olgius
Subtitle: Viaggio verso l’ignoto
(Journey to the unknown)

Author: Antonio Pra
ISBN: 9788897674665
Year: 2018
Genre: thriller
Language: Italian
Dimensions: cm. 14×21
Pages: 450
Binding: Paperback
Cover price: € 16.00

Olgius in the shop

Information sheet

Intervista a un narcisista perverso libro di Cinzia Mammoliti

Title: Intervista a un narcisista perverso
(Interview with a narcissist pervert)

Subtitle: Viaggio nella mente di un sadico seriale
(Journey into the mind of a serial sadist)

Author: Cinzia Mammoliti
Publisher: Runa Editrice
ISBN: 9788897674597
Year: 2016
Genre: Psychology
Language: Italian
Dimensions: cm.14×21
Pages: 134
Binding: Paperback
Cover price: € 16.00

Intervista a un narcisista perverso in the shop

Information sheet


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